I’ve been getting this question a lot from people who know me personally. And if it’s not this question, it’s something like, “Why aren’t you posting anymore?” or “I haven’t seen a new comic in weeks.”

Actually, it’s only been a few days. I was trying to backdate the posts thinking I could catch up, but that proved futile.

So why haven’t I been doing the comic lately? Life jumped in the way.

Over the past two weeks, I’ve thrown three birthday gatherings, had an extended house guest, packed for a trip to Japan, planned logistics for a trip to Michigan, tried to learn conversational Japanese, my day-job just got slammed with a ton of extra work, and I’ve been putting in a lot of overtime. I can’t complain because life really isn’t too shabby for me right now. And I’m not trying to one-up my busy life against anyone else’s, I hate when people do that, but when your life get’s going with things both fun and not-so-fun, it pushes your fledgling comic strip aside for the time being.

Additionally, I decided on a whim to ink the day-dream portions of this current samurai storyline with a paint brush instead of my normal inking pens. I haven’t used a brush since probably middle school, so that also takes some time.

All that being said, unfortunately, the comic will be on hiatus for at least two more weeks while this other stuff takes over for a little bit. But know that even though I’m not able to draw it out, the stories and jokes are still coming to mind, and I’m taking notes trying to get our Film Strip world together for the forseeable future.

In the meantime, feel free to go back through the comic archives and re-read our story so far. We’ve come a long way in these first 5 or so months. Thanks for being there along the way, and thanks for your patience. I’m glad you enjoy the comic.